To add a badge, click on the "ADD A NEW BADGE" button located in the dashboard
When creating a new badge or editing an existing one, the following details can be entered.
Setting | Description | Notes |
Badge details | ||
Name | The name or title of the badge. | This badge name will be shown when the badge is displayed within the site or on any external site. |
Version | The version of the badge. | If you have multiple related badges or versions of a badge you can use this field to keep track of its development. You can add related badges on the Related badges tab. |
Language | The language the badge is issued in. | Use this field if you are issuing multiple versions of the badge in different languages. |
Description | A short description of the badge. This might include the purpose or reason for the badge and how an individual can earn the badge. | This field only supports plain text content in order to remain compliant with the Mozilla Open Badges standard. |
Image | The image used when this badge is displayed. Ideal size: 512x512px | The image will be cropped to a square and resized to 100x100px. Images must be PNG files. Note that the badge title is displayed next to the badge, so you do not need to include the title in the badge image. If you need to include text on a badge image, ensure that it is large with good colour contrast. |
Image author’s name / email / URL | These three fields can be used to include details for the author of the badge image. | These fields are optional, but should be used when you need to give credit for the badge image used. |
Image caption | A brief caption describing the image or providing additional information. | You can use an image caption to make your badges more accessible. |
Issuer details | ||
Name | The name of the individual, group or organisation issuing the badge. | - |
Contact | A contact email address for any questions relating to the badge. | This field is optional. |
Badge expiry | ||
Expiry date | Select the required badge expiry option. Choose from:
- |
You may wish to create a new badge based on an existing one, or one that uses very similar settings. If this is the case then you can duplicate an existing badge.
To duplicate a badge, click on the "MANAGE ALL BADGES" button located in the dashboard
Then click the icon of two pieces of paper next to the badge you want to duplicate. You can now edit the new badge's details and criteria before enabling it.