To award a badge
first download the csv template file. To do this, click on the "download" button (second from the top next to the badge image) as in the figure below
click on the "DOWNLOAD CSV TEMPLATE FILE" button and save the file on your computer to edit it.
Now it is time to modify the template you have just downloaded with your list of candidates to receive badges.
To do this, you can use your favourite Spreadsheet Editor.
Using Google Sheets
- Log in to Google Drive.
- Click New → File upload and select your CSV file.
- After uploading, right-click the file and choose Open with → Google Sheets.
- Edit the data directly in the spreadsheet cells.
- The generated spreadsheet is organised in 4 columns: each column corresponds to a field in the candidate's profile that must be uploaded into the platform before the badge can be obtained.
- Fill in the fields "first name", "last name" and "e-mail" for each candidate; the first cell of the last column "badge" is already pre-filled with the short name of your organisation. Copy the value of this cell for all new records that you are going to create.
- Click File → Download → Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet).
- Save the file to your computer.
Using Excel
- Open Microsoft Excel.
- Go to File → Open and select your CSV file. If prompted, use the Text Import Wizard and ensure Comma is selected as the delimiter.
- Modify the data as needed.
- The generated spreadsheet is organised in 4 columns: each column corresponds to a field in the candidate's profile that must be uploaded into the platform before the badge can be obtained.
- Fill in the fields "first name", "last name" and "e-mail" for each candidate; the first cell of the last column "badge" is already pre-filled with the short name of your organisation. Copy the value of this cell for all new records that you are going to create.
- Select File → Save As.
- Choose the CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) format.
- Confirm any warnings about feature loss and save the file.
Using Other Open Source Editors
LibreOffice Calc / OpenOffice Calc:
- Open the application and go to File → Open to select your CSV file.
- Ensure the delimiter settings are correct (usually comma).
- The generated spreadsheet is organised in 4 columns: each column corresponds to a field in the candidate's profile that must be uploaded into the platform before the badge can be obtained.
- Fill in the fields "first name", "last name" and "e-mail" for each candidate; the first cell of the last column "badge" is already pre-filled with the short name of your organisation. Copy the value of this cell for all new records that you are going to create.
Text Editors (e.g., Notepad++, VSCode):
- Open your CSV file directly in the text editor.
- Edit the plain text data carefully, ensuring commas and quotes remain properly formatted. Copy the pre-filled value of the last column ("badge") for all inserted record
- Save the file, ensuring it is encoded in UTF-8 if necessary.
To award the badge, it must be enabled (if you have not already done so - see the "How to manage a badge" guide, "Enable a badge" section ).
As you can see from the picture below, the "Italymobility- Internship in Technical Design" badge has no "Award" button (see also the " INACTIVE " warning in red below the name of the badge).
Click on the "Edit" button (first from the top next to the badge image), then click on the "Enable access" button to allow the badge to be issued.
A pop-up window will inform you of the consequences of enabling the badge and ask for a final confirmation.
Once the badge has been enabled, you can return to the dashboard and you will see that the "Award" button is enabled, so you can click it:
A new tab will open, where you can upload the previously saved csv file :
After uploading the csv file, click on "Preview" button.
You will get a preview of the users who are about to be awarded the badge.
Users not yet registered on the platform will be automatically created, and will receive the login instructions attached to the message notifying them that they have received their badge.
At the end of the process, you can see a summary of awarded users, including notifications of :
users who were not awarded because they had already received the badge,
users who already existed on the platform and
users who were created (and who received login instructions attached to the badge notification e-mail received)